We started off our day this morning by visiting Ciudad del Saber’s (City of
Knowledge) main office. There we learned about the history of the
Panama Canal and how it relates to the economic growth of the country and the country’s future plans for expansion.

We then visited the UNICEF office which was just across the lawn. An employee from the facility presented a powerpoint on HIV/AIDS and how it affects the young population. It was a very interesting and informative lecture. We also got to learn about UNICEF and their goals for healthcare. We concluded our visit with a tour around their building.

Since we live at the City of Knowledge we were able to go home and rest before we set out on our next visit for the day. Our next stop was Hospital de Punta Pacifica, a branch of John Hopkins International. The staff members took us on a tour of their newly built digital technology hospital. The hospital has only been open for 1 year. Hospital de Punta Pacifica was quite impressive. Each room is catered for the specific patient. For example, pediatric patient rooms and consultation rooms are designed specifically for children. The patient rooms for the Labor and Delivery ward were amazing! They are all designed as suites with differences in painting in each room. A mere $1200 for 3 days and 2 nights of luxurious living peripartum.

The day ended with dinner and class discussion at my villa. We made fried plantains, red beans and rice, salad, broiled chicken (with a Hispanic twist of flavor), and fruit salad for dessert. The days are quickly winding down, but we are all pretty excited about coming home.
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